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Three Years On.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Another well put post HH, just this morning my wife and I were discussing the use of vitamins in the C of S and she wondered why it was so, the closest reasoning I could fathom was simply that because Ron wrote it t'was true and therefore it left no doubt that the correct thing to do was go and get vitamins in the stated quantity and use them...'Simple Ron says'.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Another well put post HH, just this morning my wife and I were discussing the use of vitamins in the C of S and she wondered why it was so, the closest reasoning I could fathom was simply that because Ron wrote it t'was true and therefore it left no doubt that the correct thing to do was go and get vitamins in the stated quantity and use them...'Simple Ron says'.

and they are stuck with that. It won't change. There was some advice I had relayed to me about not taking high (over 500mg) does of niacin outside of the purif.

It turns out more recent research has shown that niacin at 1500 - 2000mg results in a statistical increase in lifespan of 13 years. Likely because (it causes a histamine reaction reducing auto-response and inflamation.

It also has remedial effect on migraines.

And it is a standard dose for lowering cholesterol and bringing up good cholesterol.

So - who gets to amend the LRH tech based on more recent research? No one. No one at all.

Free to shine

Shiny & Free
I doubt if it was deliberate. But it`s one of those weird quirks of human nature that has worked in Scientology`s favour.

As someone who talked to a lot of Scientologists over many years, I can`t think of one Scio, I spoke with, who wasn`t embroiled in some sort of injustice dished out to them. Just think of your own particular case.

So the injustice sticks us to the perceived source of it.

It`s as if the person can`t move on till they have their name cleared or an injustice rectified.

And now going back to your example... Notice it never was rectified. Your name was never cleared. No one apologized. Scientology could never deliver justice.

Turns out it was your fault all along. That`s the best Scientology can do.

So you sit it out. Living forever in the gap between injustice and justice...
stuck to Scientology.

Hoping beyond hope that one day you will get justice.

And here we all are hoping one day that Scientology will get its Justice.

And rightly so.

Now to finish with a quote from Ron.

"Ow.... Ouch, ouch ouch !"
(Inspired by fall from motorcycle. Canary Islands 1972)

That's quite a profound observation. Yes, I have seen a lot of this. :yes:


Patron with Honors
This is one brilliant post.

Well done HelluvaHoax.

In all my years I never saw what you so cleverly have pointed out.

Blew my mind.

:hysterical: :hysterical: :hysterical:

Scientology is a children's game. Instead of saying "SIMON SAYS" they use the command: "RON SAYS".

It works the same way.

If, for example, you reported to them: "The Environmental Protection Agency has just inspected the building and found toxic, life-threatening levels of asbestos which needs to be removed immediately!" they would ignore you. Because the EPA said it.


If you changed the words: "Ron says asbestos is bad for thetans and immediately needs be run on the Standard Asbestos Removal Rundown to full EP" they would do it promptly with VGI's.

Just gotta put those words in there...

"RON SAYS....."

After Ron exteriorized in 1986, Scientologists got into some serious confusion and the stats started crashing to all-time lows because there were CoS Scientologists and Indie Scientologists and Freezone Scientologists all saying "Ron says..." to each other--and nobody knew what to do.

Well technically, Scientologists didn't know what to do before that either. But at least they felt good about it.


Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on
and they are stuck with that. It won't change. There was some advice I had relayed to me about not taking high (over 500mg) does of niacin outside of the purif.

It turns out more recent research has shown that niacin at 1500 - 2000mg results in a statistical increase in lifespan of 13 years. Likely because (it causes a histamine reaction reducing auto-response and inflamation.

It also has remedial effect on migraines.

And it is a standard dose for lowering cholesterol and bringing up good cholesterol.

So - who gets to amend the LRH tech based on more recent research? No one. No one at all.

[STRIKE]Simon[/STRIKE] Ron says don't ask Questions seeking Answers, because that is Q&A.


Platinum Meritorious Sponsor with bells on
This is one brilliant post.

Well done HelluvaHoax.

In all my years I never saw what you so cleverly have pointed out.

Blew my mind.

[STRIKE]Simon[/STRIKE] Ron says to ignore HelluvaHoax! because he is not an able being. Able beings would not be here on ESMB. They would be exterior in outer space doing research.