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I answered a Scn survey honestly!!


Gold Meritorious Patron
I decided to fill out this Scientology survey honestly. :omg:

1) What most concerns you about the current state of the world?

Absolutely nothing. We are not here to fix the world. Nothing needs to be changed or fixed. The world is abundant with variety. Why would we want it any other way?

2) What do you think should be the response of Scientologists to the current state of the world?

LRH talks about “isness.” Most of us only focus on “isness” rather than what we really would like. Each individual Scientologist needs to stop focusing on “what is” (unwanted conditions) and start focusing on wanted conditions. Each individual Scientologist could do more for the planet by thinking about what he/she would like for several minutes every day than they could with a month’s worth of action. Each individual Scientologist needs to sit down for a few minutes every day and bask in whatever makes them feel good. Daydream about it. Remember a beautiful memory. Pretend the world is exactly how you want it. That's what I do. The planet is already "Clear" for me. Only lovely people and experiences come into my life. It is law. It can't be any other way than how you think it is. If all you think about is how horrible everything is, then you get horrible things. The more you think about magic, love, beauty, harmony and abundance, the more you get of that. There is no such thing as "the current state of the world." If there are 8.5 billion people on the planet, there will be 8.5 billion different “states of the world.” The only one that matters is our own, and we are the only ones that can change the state of our world and how we feel about it.

3) If a Senior Management terminal or Church offical were able to talk to you, what would you want to ask him or her, and get answers on?

First, I would ask them to spell check their surveys (“official” not “offical”). :) I would want to ask him/her to apply the section "Look" from the Way to Happiness book. Just stand back and take a look. The world is a beautiful place. How many years have you wasted trying to make it "better" when it is already the best place to be? When was your last vacation? When was your last really good night's sleep? When did you last play?

4) What in your view is the ultimate answer or solution to the ills that plague society?

See 1) above. There are no "ills that plague society." All those things that do not please us are things you should be grateful for because they make you aware of what you DO want, so that you can focus on those wanted things. Focusing on unwanted "ills" will just bring more of those "ills" into your life. LRH wrote that you get what you put your attention on. So, if there is an ill in your life, focusing on it will just bring you more of it. Instead, focus on what you want, so you get more of that.

5) How do you feel you could contribute to making this solution a reality?

By inspiring others to follow their own guidance, keep their own counsel, and make their own decisions, per the Code of Honor. Nobody outside you knows best. Only you know what is best for yourself and the world, nobody else.

6) What would assist you in making this happen?

You being true to you. The whole point is not relying on anyone else or anything outside of yourself for assistance. We all have our own inner "Guardian Angel" or "Infinite Wisdom" that will never lead us astray. It is always right. All the assistance you will ever need comes from within yourself. You do what is right for you, and leave everybody else out of it. If we all did that, we would all be such happy people that we would never think of blowing each other up or hating each other.

7) Are you:

X Currently on lines, doing services (Note for ESMB: I don't actually go INTO orgs any more. I'm just on the ext. course, when I feel like sending in lessons, which is hardly ever.)

Not currently doing services but have been within 6 months

Not on services since over 6 months

8) Are you studying the Basics?
X Yes

9) If so, how far have you gotten?


10) What is your processing level? [no answer]
11) What is your training level? [no answer]
12) What country/area do you live in? [no answer]

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