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Sea Org Children: The Final Solution


Diamond Invictus SP
Sea Org Children: The Final Solution

cross-posted from:

Written by Arthur Doyle

Sunday, 09 May 2010

"All the problems of the world -- child labor, corruption - are symtoms of a spiritual disease; lack of compassion." Tenzin Gyatso, the 14th Dalai Lama

My parents joined the SO in 1980. Before that I spent a day with my mother and father each week. As things were in the seventies, my parents worked all day in a class IV org.

At the beginning of their SO career, things were alright. We had breakfast and dinner together every night. I remember there were these cooks in PBC (Pac Base Crew) in the morning, who would ask you how you wanted your eggs, and they'd make them in front of you, super fast.

We had an hour for family time, in addition to the 45-minute dinnertime, all of which was spent with family. In PAC we'd walk up Vermont to Thrifty's (now Rite-Aid), and get a double scoop of ice cream for 30 cents. Other times we'd go to Barnsdale Park and hang out or walk south on Vermont and get a doughnut or something.

The Cadet Org was an adventure, though. We used to work all day after school. We even had some playtime which was spent playing warball at the ATA (Apollo Training Academy, a school that the kids in PAC attended located across Fountain Ave from Bridge Publications).

In 1983 I did my EPF. I was eleven at the time and the materials were, to say the least, way too difficult for a child. I spent seven months on the EPF. It was designed to take three weeks! I was fortunate that, at the time, families had their own berthing and I lived with my mother and father. This made everything worthwhile. I saw my mom and dad at night for a little while before going to sleep, and that precious little contact with my parents would make a world of difference.

I remember when Benjamin Rinder was born in the Fountain Building. I also remember when many kids were brought into this world and how incredibly theta that was. And while conditions were far from ideal, families in the early eighties were encouraged to have kids.

There was the CEO (Cadet Estate Org) that took care of babies and small kids. It was far from ideal, but it really could have been perfected as opposed to destroying it altogether. The CEO was demolished by the PAC RPF in 1990 to make way for the Celebrity Center event structure. There were some great plus points with it. Babies got their barley formula and so on.

There were many outpoints with this system, too, but it was better than no system and no children.

At the time of LRH's death in 1986 (I had been in the SO since 1983), I was in CMO. In '87 family time was cancelled. This was a huge upset, I was still a kid after all.

After that, all the way to the present, I have had a grand total of ONE day off with my mom and dad. That is ONE DAY in 27 years.

There are many people who really never got to know their own parents, as they spent so little time with them! If you watch Jenna Miscavige's ABC interview, this resonates in her words.

I am no longer in the Sea Org and today my wife and I have a baby. I have spent more time with my baby than all the time my parents ever spent with me. And while they were good parents and meant well, they did not get to see much of me at all.

But that was only the beginning. Far worse was yet to come.

Beyond 1984

One of the single most suppressive "policies" of the Church of Scientology came out on September 28, 1986, as Flag Order No. 3905. It was not written by LRH, but by Guillaume Lesevre, ED Int who acted on the order of David Miscavige. This was the infamous Flag Order that stopped Sea Org couples from having children.

[Note from Thoughtful: Haydn James (T Paine) was the Commanding Officer PAC Base Crew at the time. ED Int wrote to him and gave him the problem of how to handle the growing number of kids in the Sea Org (400 in PAC and climbing) plus elsewhere. He said Sea Org resources shouldn't be used for the raising of kids (which if the Geico Caveman were told that, he would say indignantly, “Why not?”) and furthermore Guillaume said since Haydn was responsible for one of the largest concentrations of Sea Org kids he could solve the problem.

[It was clear from Guillaume’s comm that he was not the originator of the cycle. Plus all later evidence regarding kids and families in the Sea Org (canceling of family time, etc.) showed the origination point was David Miscavige without any shadow of a doubt.

[Anyway Haydn made up his analysis and proposed an issue. ED Int (aka, Miscavige) shot it down and forced ED Int to write his own -- the Sept 86 issue. No doubt DM set the direction and the boundaries.

[Haydn’s analysis showed a lot of kids in PAC were from parents on minor posts and who produced little -- some had up to 5 kids; what was missing was the normal function of routine Fitness Boards. Haydn argued that producing Sea Org members working 70 or 80 hours a week for $30 pay were valuable and that the Sea Org should foot the bill to help them raise their kids. Non producers could be eased back into civil life by use of existing and standard means -- Fitness Boards.

[Obviously Miscavige didn’t like Haydn’s idea at all.]

On April 3rd, 1991 the issue was reissued under Guillaume’s name shortly after he sent his two beautiful children to live with their grandmother in Italy, never to see them again. (You can see the full issue at the bottom of this article).

This Flag Order is, I believe, one of the single most vicious policies the "church" has ever adopted. Not only did it denigrate and degrade the institution of marriage, it resulted in the neglect and abuse of hundreds of children, the outright abortion of hundreds more. Here’s a quote from that horribly-written issue:

"The Sea Org is not set up to handle or take care of children. Sea Org members getting [sic] children has resulted in an unpractical burden on the Sea Org units and inhibited their efficiency. No SO installation has the job of making SO members for twenty years from now." Flag Order 3905-1 CHILDREN, SEA ORG MEMBERS AND SEA ORG ORGS, 3 April 1991

"GETTING children"????!! “Making SO members for twenty years from now”? This is the language used to virtually abolish the second dynamic?

It is unbelievable! The results from this: Hundreds of forced abortions. The horrors of "persuaded" abortions and the horrific stress and guilt on mothers-to-be. But it gets worse. Miscavige and Guillaume with a clever twist of phrase turned the action of having children into a “crime” to be “hidden” in secrecy:

"... withholding the fact that there are pregnant SO members in the org, will result in a Committee of Evidence on the org PCO, Dir Routing and Personnel, HAS, Supercargo and Captain/CO as well as the SO members concerned."

Yes, let's Comm-Ev pregnant women!

David Miscavige and Guillaume Lesevre, the shame of all those young lives never lived is upon you! No wonder you Guillaume find it impossible to throw off the yoke of Miscavige and come out of the Hole. And you said Marty had a "violent streak"? With one order you virtually murder how many children?

"The overt doth speak loudly in accusation, Shakespeare re-written." LRH, Study Tapes, Lecture #2

From then on many, many men and women in the Sea Org were denied their human right to have children. This vicious policy denies families and degrades marriage and violates one of the most basic LRH principles: that we each survive through eight Dynamics which includes the having and rearing of children.

What could possibly justify the eradication of children you ask?

Oooh, lack of "efficiency"! Plus, the Sea Org was not “set up to handle or take care of children.” Huh? Every human being is set up to create children. If you don’t believe it, just look between your legs.

Does this start to sound just a tad "Third Reich" to anyone?

Instead of just throwing togerther some fitness boards, fixing up an org board, firing a mission or two... just eradicate all Sea Org children. It’s David Miscavige’s Final Solution: exterminate every fetus since fetuses are small and cannot fight back. Why go to the trouble of gassing people like Adolf Hitler when you can just take care of them when they are only about an inch long?

I am not looking for sympathy here. These are simply facts. But woven through these facts is the plight of hundreds or even possibly thousands of children who really deserved much better. Kids need love, patience and care. Perhaps this sounds a little soft, but it isn't. To deny this in families is cruelty of the first order.

Imprisoning Children

Like most marriages in the Sea Org, when my father moved up the org board, he was coerced into divorcing my mother. I was fifteen at the time and it was a huge loss.

Shortly thereafter I got into trouble and was assigned to the RPF.

I was sixteen when I was in the RPF and I had lots of company! There were about 40 minors at the time in the PAC RPF, all of whom were unjustly assigned. But I was a good student. I was a good worker, as most minors were. I spent 2 years in the RPF! Many kids spent much more time in the "R" as it was called.

A key injustice of the RPF (besides being there at all), is that if you're a minor you have no choice but to do the program. You cannot leave the Sea Org, as your parents are in the Sea Org.

So, this is false IMPRISONMENT of CHILDREN. This is Final Solution #2: If you can’t kill them when they are a fetus, imprison them when they are a child.

I remember one occasion where a young man who worked in the same org as me announced at the dinner table, "I don't like RPFers because they're f__k-ups."

One month later, he was in the RPF, and one month after that, he blew.

Kids didn't have the luxury of escaping/blowing. Children toiled doing the same labor as adults from 6:00 AM 'till 5:00 PM. And, same as adults, any kind of infraction was immediately punished by running laps or doing push-ups, or worse yet, getting assigned to the RPF's RPF, where one slaved in "Rat's Alley" all day and well into the night.

I suddenly found myself there, and I remember being covered with the horrific smell of rotten food slime. And I do mean covered! I thought, "What the hell am I doing here?" But, then again, I had no choice.

In the RPF there is absolutely no time off and no liberties (read my other article on the RPF in this site). There were no exceptions for children. In fact, as we were smaller, some children were brutalized by some adults (there was a small group of people in the RPF with their share of psychotic tendencies).

At 5 PM we had dinner and "redemption" time and lights out at 11 PM. This was tough but we got some auditing and I did experience gains from auditing despite the fact that I needed more rest and food. Despite the fact that I did not want to be there. Despite the fact that I saw very little of my mom and dad. Despite the fact that the RPF I/C was a total Nazi, and despite the fact that I had been unjustly assigned to the RPF in the first place. And despite the fact that no child should be forced to do hard labor.

The application of actual Scientology gave me some very big wins on the RPF. Those were the last wins I had with Scientology during my career in the Sea Org, however.

Unbelievably, life would get even worse than my 2 years in the PAC RPF.

Like I said though, unbelievably, the Sea Org would get far worse.

At the Int Ranch, kids worked for most of the day. Parents had very little time with their kids. It was mainly hygiene-time on Sunday mornings. But kids (from ages 4 on up), spent their nights in dorms at the ranch.

Many kids missed their mothers greatly and were restimulated in this environment. It was militaristic in that there were musters like at Gold, and kids would have to do heavy MEST work without a choice.

Sea Org children never had a choice to be there at all. This violates the very core of Scientology and the philosophy of self-determinism.

As does Flag Order 3905.

If your blood isn’t running cold by now consider this: There was an instance when Justin Miscavige and Matt Price accidentally injured a staff member at the Ranch and Miscavige assigned them the condition of "Child."

This was considered far worse than Confusion. (Goes to show you how he felt about children). In his book, Science of Survival, LRH explained what a low-toned person does to the second dynamic:

At the tone level of Covert Hostility you can expect: "Use of children for sadistic purposes"

At the tone level of Anger you can expect "Brutal treatment of children"

"At 1.5 we enter the band of brutal treatment of children, heavy corporal punishment, the forcing of the child into a mold with pain, breaking his dramatizations, upset about his noise or clutter.

"At 1.1 on the Tone Scale there may be two reactions to children. There may be an actual and immediate desire for children as a manifestation of sex, but we also may have the use of children for sadistic purposes. And we may find both of these in the same individual. We have a long-term general neglect of children, with an occasional sporadic interest in them. We have very little thought for the child's future or the culture in which the child will grow up." -- LRH, Science of Survival

And there’s more:

"It is notable, as one glances down this column, that an interest in children includes not only in the bearing of the child, but in the child's well-being, happiness, mental state, education and general future. We may have a person on the 1.1 level who seems very anxious to produce a child. Very possibly this person is following an engram command to have children. Once the child is born, we may have, in this 1.1 bracket, an interest in it as a plaything, or a curiosity. But following this, we get general neglect and thoughtlessness about the child and no feeling whatsoever about the child's future or any effort to build one for it. We get careless familial actions, such as promiscuity, which will tear to pieces the family security upon which this child's future depends. Along this band, the child is considered a thing, a possession.

"A half a tone above this, in the anger band, the child is a target for the dramatizations which the individual does not dare execute against grown-ups in the environment -- a last-ditch effort to be in command of something. Here we have domination of the child with a constant warping of its character.

"The whole future of the race depends upon its attitude towards children..." -- L. Ron Hubbard, Science of Survival

Call it what it is: Human Trafficking

In about 1996, the Cadet Org and the Int Ranch were disbanded and all children were suddenly and ruthlessly sent thousands of miles away to be posted in orgs. The point being that, hundreds of children were robbed of a childhood, their families, and in most cases, their education.

I have been making this argument for years. I refuse to accept Miscavige’s medieval prohibitions which redefine a “child” as a criminal act punishable by Comm Ev and banishment.

I’d love to hear Tommy Davis -- that wicked and braying jack ass -- trying to hee-haw out some kind of an “acceptable truth” designed whitewash his boss’s felonious behavior. He can’t tell the real truth because that is punished in the “church.”

Written by Arthur Doyle

Note: Copy of Flag Order concerning children (referenced above) can be viewed here (just below the article):

Mick Wenlock

Admin Emeritus (retired)
I totally disagree with you on the subject of the Flag Order.

It was the ONLY thing to have done. Sea Org Children were abused and neglected. There are many written examples of children who were either sexually abused by other older children, or by adults. There are also many examples (and I suggest you go read ESK or some of the threads on here) of the neglect that many children suffered from.

And the fact that most Sea Org kids that I ever met were semi-illiterate is another condemnation thanks to Hubbards crappy "study dreck"

And believe me the fault is ALL with us, the parents. Not the children.

Children should NEVER have been allowed in the Sea Org. Period.

The Sea Org was never set up to deal with children, the finances suck for ensuring that they were taken care of along with not having any idea of how to run a child care area and lacking the means to train good people to do it.

Barley Formula? Jesus wept.


Silver Meritorious Sponsor
well, now that you mention it - that would have definitely been the wiser choice!

Given Ron's Scientology and dreams of 'Clearing the Planet' from the inception of Scientology in the early '50s, I'd say that the Sea Org or something very similar would be and would have been inevitable.



Silver Meritorious Sponsor
I had my first child on barley formula (using goats milk). She turned out very smart and very healthy and started college at 15. In retrospect, I should have put all my kids on barley formula.

I did great on the SATs in '67. 10 years before I used to play with chunks of lead; hammering them, shaping them, getting very grey hands and licking my fingers.

Obviously lead consumption leads to good SAT scores :)



Bardo Tulpa
I totally disagree with you on the subject of the Flag Order.

It was the ONLY thing to have done. Sea Org Children were abused and neglected. There are many written examples of children who were either sexually abused by other older children, or by adults. There are also many examples (and I suggest you go read ESK or some of the threads on here) of the neglect that many children suffered from.

And the fact that most Sea Org kids that I ever met were semi-illiterate is another condemnation thanks to Hubbards crappy "study dreck"

And believe me the fault is ALL with us, the parents. Not the children.

Children should NEVER have been allowed in the Sea Org. Period.

The Sea Org was never set up to deal with children, the finances suck for ensuring that they were taken care of along with not having any idea of how to run a child care area and lacking the means to train good people to do it.

Barley Formula? Jesus wept.

This is a very good thread.

And the point Mick brings up about the Flag Order, as a Sea Org Parent who went through a lot of hard times with his kids, is very important in discerning the truth of the problem.

Truth has no "sides".

There is no "evil" in the truth.

We have to look at everything if we are to create something productive out of being an Ex-Scientologist.


Arthur, Thank you for your courage, your forthright honesty and the accuracy and completeness of your statements.

I was there and know what you are saying is true.

Enthetan, you might be interested to know that for about 6 years or longer between 1979 and 1986, the cook at the CEO cut the amount of corn syrup in the barley formula in half. We all knew, and we knew why as well. The original formula was making children fat.

I won't go into the disgusting details of the FOs written by L Ron Hubbard on children here just yet. It would require an entire separate thread and I have a stack of original references to quote from.

To summarize, L Ron actively prohibited and discouraged parents from raising their children, saw children's value only in their contributions to the Sea Org and initiated chaining children when misbehaving.

DM just continued "Command Intention" toward children.

Here are a few enlightening quotes:

FO 1630 "Governess" 3 December 1968
"Children may only go on liberty with the permission of the Conning Officer..."
"If a child or these children are found in Hold 1 or any hidden compartment of the ship they are to be locked up."
"The Governess may spank or discipline children under her care at her own discretion."
L Ron Hubbard

FO 485 7 March 1968
"The Parents Council is abolished..."
"Children...work in the Division of the Org and come under the Sea Org Master at ARms or AO Ethics Officer just like any other Sea Org Staff Member. They are to be given posts, stand watches, and are provided uniforms."
L Ron Hubbard

FO 301 by L Ron Hubbard dated 16 November 1967 sets the age a child can hold a post as 8 years old.

There are many, many more references.

Mick Wenlock

Admin Emeritus (retired)
I had my first child on barley formula (using goats milk). She turned out very smart and very healthy and started college at 15. In retrospect, I should have put all my kids on barley formula.

ah the famous post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy.

Perhaps your first child turned out very healthy and smart because she is a smart person with brains?

Or perhaps its because she was born under a star sign? Or maybe "god had plans"?

Sorry Enthetan - your remark was just one in a long line of justifications for total bull shit. I do hope you meant it tongue in cheek.

Or perhaps...

Tell you what - take a look at what the damned thing contains and figure out for yourself why no child should be brought up on it as a milk substitute.


I believe that the barley formula bs was conjured up by the old demented wingbag for a couple of reasons, first and foremost so that mom's wouldn't be 'wasting' the (insert Org.s etc. here) time by nursing a baby (which is absolutely the very best thing for 'em).
I also think he had some weird ideas about nursing (without any verifiable proof or science), things like isolating a baby right after birth (and so on and so forth-blather-blather), and women in general (just read his 'affirmations' self hynosis blarge).

On the whole Arthur's article is an intersting read and worthy of passing along me thinks. :)


Silver Meritorious Patron
Given Ron's Scientology and dreams of 'Clearing the Planet' from the inception of Scientology in the early '50s, I'd say that the Sea Org or something very similar would be and would have been inevitable.





Master of Disaster
ah the famous post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy.

Perhaps your first child turned out very healthy and smart because she is a smart person with brains?

Or perhaps its because she was born under a star sign? Or maybe "god had plans"?

Sorry Enthetan - your remark was just one in a long line of justifications for total bull shit. I do hope you meant it tongue in cheek.

Or perhaps...

Tell you what - take a look at what the damned thing contains and figure out for yourself why no child should be brought up on it as a milk substitute.

My point was, it did not appear to have done her any harm. She's done better academically than my other kids.


Troublesome Internet Fringe Dweller
My point was, it did not appear to have done her any harm. She's done better academically than my other kids.

How might she have done without it? You'll never know.


Bardo Tulpa
I believe that the barley formula bs was conjured up by the old demented wingbag for a couple of reasons, first and foremost so that mom's wouldn't be 'wasting' the (insert Org.s etc. here) time by nursing a baby (which is absolutely the very best thing for 'em).
I also think he had some weird ideas about nursing (without any verifiable proof or science), things like isolating a baby right after birth (and so on and so forth-blather-blather), and women in general (just read his 'affirmations' self hynosis blarge).

On the whole Arthur's article is an intersting read and worthy of passing along me thinks. :)

Also remember, Dr. Benjamin Spock had written one of the biggest bestsellers of all time. It was very influential and selling like hotcakes during Hubbard's time.

"Child Dianetics" was within a decade of the publication of that book.



Also remember, Dr. Benjamin Spock had written one of the biggest bestsellers of all time. It was very influential and selling like hotcakes during Hubbard's time.

"Child Dianetics" was within a decade of the publication of that book.


Good point!
My mom was saved a lot of parenting grief due to the good doctor, though some of his stuff is a bit dated by our standards now, it seemed an excellent guide (have only glanced through it many years ago).

Mick Wenlock

Admin Emeritus (retired)
My point was, it did not appear to have done her any harm. She's done better academically than my other kids.

But as there is no way to measure what she might have been had you not fed her barley formula it's a moot point.

Seriously E I am not trying to dig at you personally but when you cite something in this manner you are, without any proof whatsoever, advocating something which is complete quackery. It is the same "thinking" that Hubbard tries to get scientologists to use "well it worked for me"

If you define "worked" as "didn't kill her or damage her" then yeah, it worked. Doesn't mean that it will not hurt others.
I believe that the barley formula bs was conjured up by the old demented wingbag for a couple of reasons, ...

Hate to break it to you, barley water was in common usage in the nursery during Victorian & Edwardian times. Various recipes can be found for it in domestic household books from the time. The Sherman brothers had the kids in the Disney movie musical of "Mary Poppins" sing about it ("... and never give us barley water!").

I suspect that its usage predates Victoria by several centuries. It's a likely outgrowth of early Celtic culture. But, offhand I don't know of any earlier documented use.

Quite likely LRH mocked up his own recipe. However, he likely based it on an earlier version he knew about.

Mark A. Baker


Hate to break it to you, barley water was in common usage in the nursery during Victorian & Edwardian times. Various recipes can be found for it in domestic household books from the time. The Sherman brothers had the kids in the Disney movie musical of "Mary Poppins" sing about it ("... and never give us barley water!").

I suspect that its usage predates Victoria by several centuries. It's a likely outgrowth of early Celtic culture. But, offhand I don't know of any earlier documented use.

Quite likely LRH mocked up his own recipe. However, he likely based it on an earlier version he knew about.

Mark A. Baker
Thanks Mark!
Yes, when milk was scarce this was a solution for survival, I was actually aware of it previously (but not important for this). Barley is ok for subsistance sustinance, but barely, sort of stop-gap to starvation really.
Still, it is hardly optimal for the healthy growth of a children thingy imho.

Give 'em mom's best r' give 'em.......... Barney?
