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3 emails from Las Vegas June 09


From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Subject: Spectacular event in Las Vegas on Saturday!

The Sea Org is doing a spectacular event in Las Vegas!


Don't miss this event!


A flying saucer in their promo. Finally truth in advertising.

From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Subject: Field trip to Las Vegas - help needed to move the Org
To: xxxxxxxxxxx
Date: xxxxxxxx


Begin your adventure! Contact us for more information.


From: [email protected] <[email protected]>
Subject: The latest arrival to Las Vegas!
To: xxxxxxx
Date: June 18, 2009

The Latest arrival on the Las Vegas Ideal Org Team!

The Las Vegas Organization and Celebrity Centre, are moving and need volunteers

Caty Konigsberg



Squirrel Extraordinaire
They give certs now for joining staff? Maybe it is for managing to complete the recruit interview intensive without red-tagging. I can't quite read what it says: It says "Founding XXXX XXXXXX of the Las Vegas Org". I would think the missing words would be "Staff Member", but it doesn't look like that (not joking here).

And they put her straight on post in the Academy. Don't people do staff statuses first any more while being HCO Expeditors? Maybe they've never heard of such a practice.



Patron Meritorious
They probably have her as Academy call-in or admin while she does them, or TTC, or more likely they have simply resigned up someone who was on staff before.

I never got a cert for being on staff. I never got a cert for my Academy Levels and stuff either. The org couldnt afford them.
"Produce like never before and shoot your morale out the roof while doing something totally on purpose!"

The phrase, "on purpose" must be one of the dumbest Scn phrases out there. I always do things on purpose.


Patron with Honors
This woman was promised many things. She will be there for months and then doubting about her decision. Then she will want to leave, get sec checked, being told she is a DB.... on the promo piece, it mentions FREE ROOM and BOARD ??? Did they buy a building or quarters to keep track of the staff so they can't blow ?????? Any idea ?


Bardo Tulpa
This woman was promised many things. She will be there for months and then doubting about her decision. Then she will want to leave, get sec checked, being told she is a DB.... on the promo piece, it mentions FREE ROOM and BOARD ??? Did they buy a building or quarters to keep track of the staff so they can't blow ?????? Any idea ?

From the SPs at Wikipedia:


"An indentured servant is a form of debt bondage worker. The laborer is under contract of an employer for usually three to seven years, in exchange for their transportation, food, drink, clothing, lodging and other necessities. Unlike a slave, an indentured servant is required to work only for a limited term specified in a signed contract."


Gold Meritorious Patron
They give certs now for joining staff? Maybe it is for managing to complete the recruit interview intensive without red-tagging. I can't quite read what it says: It says "Founding XXXX XXXXXX of the Las Vegas Org". I would think the missing words would be "Staff Member", but it doesn't look like that (not joking here).

And they put her straight on post in the Academy. Don't people do staff statuses first any more while being HCO Expeditors? Maybe they've never heard of such a practice.


You are right Paul. I "saved image as" in zoomed in..it does say Founding staff member of the Las Vegas Org...not a church..just an org..hey wait..when was that org first founded?


Gold Meritorious Patron
They probably have her as Academy call-in or admin while she does them, or TTC, or more likely they have simply resigned up someone who was on staff before.

I never got a cert for being on staff. I never got a cert for my Academy Levels and stuff either. The org couldnt afford them.

I, only about a month ago, looked at all of the certs I got. I have not really ever been too sure about whether or not i should trash them. Over the last three years I have pulled them out a few times, wondering to myself if they mean anything to me any longer. This last time, I was looking through each one and it was when I got to my Marriage Counseling cert from my last very disastrous marriage and I thought to myself – What a joke, that “counseling” didn’t do ANYTHING to help me with my marriage at all. The next cert I looked at was my Scn DRD R/D cert – yeah well I never really did drugs until after I attested to THAT R/D – then it just hit me. These certs don’t mean anything to me anymore. scientology did not work for me. These certs are for scientology services that did not help me. These are pieces of paper.

It was nothing for me to throw them away after I had this realization.


Gold Meritorious Patron
Staff Getting Certs for Joining Staff????

Bullshit piece of paper used to encourage the scilons to follow the latest DM push for an org to “look” great while it pumps money to DM’s pockets.

LA Day had all kinds of BS PR – what I call – scams. That is all they are. And yes, she WAS promised all kinds of things to get her on board with this whole “Ideal Org” push. I guarantee it. But she also will have had the seed planted in her head of some sort that will go along the lines of her being responsible for making that org expand. So when it fails she will feel responsible and bad and think she is an SP. Because it will fail. Oh, I am not saying this org won’t meet its targets, it will. I am sure lots of SO members will be behind it. And this org will be presented at some “Int Event” as being ideal and everyone will stand and clap and ‘hip-hip-hooray’ the org when it is announced. But the same thing that happened at LA Day will happen there.

As soon as all the hoopla is over and the Int Mngmt push is gone this org will slump, the FMS’s will stop FSMing, the public will stop paying, the public will stop showing up for training and auditing, the field will stop volunteering and the org will crash. The org will empty out and be like a morgue with in the first several weeks after being announced – a month at the most. Why do you ask?

The scientological explanation: DM will enforce the Danger condition on getting the org to meet its target. When an org is gong through this push by DM there is nothing but a ton of SO members that are behind it and some of those poor staff who are still there. When the target is met everyone leaves – none of the proper conditions are ever applied to work the org through the danger condition that they should have never been assigned in the first place. Not that you will see an official condition assignment in this complete SO bypass to push this org to be a “Ideal Org”.

Wog Version: you send in a bunch of SO members for slave labor to get something done that can’t be done on normal org hours with normal org staff. You meet the target and then all the SO members leave so you get a crashed org. Really, why would anyone be surprised? I wasn’t. I saw it coming before the first time LA Day was announced as being St. Hill Size.

Of course, I am not taking into consideration the possible false reporting of stats. That is yet another possibility. Remember when Hamburg org was “booming” – false stats. Remember when LA Day when St. Hill Size the first time in the 90’s – false stats.