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Ruthie Silverman died


Patron with Honors
I knew Ruthie too. She died of lungs cancer. I saw her and paul daily when she was sick.
She was off post for many months but will come in the org. It was Ruthie, caring person. She had been in the SO for over 32 years or maybe even more. She was a great registrar. She had a hard time with SO kids coming around telling her what to do..... She had lived life in the SO, the hard way and had enough to see kids coming around and giving her orders....
She was the first person I met in the SO. I mean the first person who cared for me there. She helped me a lot with my post.... I eventually became her senior at some point. We did very well. She married Paul. I like Paul too. Many did not (especially MAAs :lol: ). He was saying what he wanted. He did not care who it was. I spent many hours with him when Ruthie was sick. He was suffering. He loved her very much. He took 2 to 3 weeks off at one point and drove her around the USA. She really enjoyed it. I met her mother who came few weeks before she died. Her mother is 92 or now 95 ??? she is a funny woman. Full of energy, going around by herself, living in NY.... She looks 60 honestly.
Paul called me the day Ruthie passed away. I went to see him. She had been place in a center (nice place) and was taken cared for. Paul was there too. Then they came to pick up the body. Her mother wanted to go out and eat in a place where Ruthie took her many times. We went there (10 people I think) including Ruthie's son. It was great. We recalled stories.
Her service was great, many people came. I like Ruthie and will never forget her.

Voltaire's Child

Fool on the Hill
I saw a post on ARS this morning that Ruthie, the long time reg at ASHO, just died.

Didin't say why she died. But it was written in a way that gave the impression that people knew it was going to happen. I'd say it was almost certainly cancer. Arnie Lerma said she was the same age as him; I think he said she was 56.

Some of you may know her under one of her other names. Ruthie Wasserman or Harvey or Discher.

She was a funny, sharp lady. She will be missed.

I met an SO lady one time named Ruthie. I wonder if she was Ruthie Silverman. I'm sorry your friend has passed away.