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An email from Debbie Cook to active Scientologists

Helena Handbasket

Gold Meritorious Patron
The man had numerous rampant homosexual sex affairs at a time when other unmarried SO members were getting sent straight to the RPF for oral sex!
Many religions, notably the Catholics, vilify both oral sex and homosexuality. Why? Because they want to increase the numbers of faithful through lots of children.

But the Sea Org discourages pregnancy and childbirth even more than the Chinese government does. So why even bother?



Gold Meritorious Patron
Many religions, notably the Catholics, vilify both oral sex and homosexuality. Why? Because they want to increase the numbers of faithful through lots of children.

But the Sea Org discourages pregnancy and childbirth even more than the Chinese government does. So why even bother?


Interesting post, Helena! I never thought of it that way.. it got me thinking.
Religions/cults always seem to dictate to their followers what's right and what's wrong, including sexual aspects of their lives.
Hmm, wonder why.
Interesting post, Helena! I never thought of it that way.. it got me thinking.
Religions/cults always seem to dictate to their followers what's right and what's wrong, including sexual aspects of their lives.
Hmm, wonder why.

This isn't earth shaking news: the second dynamic is the most screwed up for everyone. Even saints, like Oprah, have problems there.


Gold Meritorious Patron
You are just trying to help me to justify my 2D deviations, Carmelo.
I suggest you knock it off, send me to the appropriate reference instead
and see you registrar on FPRD 2D Form.

Even though 2D is ok sometimes (TWTH: Precept 3: "A lot of pleasure and happiness can come from sex: nature intended it that way so the race would go on". ~ LRH/David Mayo),
one is better off without it, when it comes to productivity, or something.

Also, reread HCO PL/HCOB titled "Sex And Pain". (This one is really hot and sexy, but hey!..)

You are welcome, brother.


Gold Meritorious Patron
We should stop derailing this thread with all the sex nonsense. :blush:

With that in mind, I just got a telex that Debbie Cook is a whole track SP.

Anyone who read her e-mail WILL NOT be eligible for their 400 hours of Objectives to Total Freedom.

Now you know.

Much ARC.


That "Things are better now that we got rid of all those SP assholes." PR line was used on me back in 1991 when I was being recovered for the Sea Org at ASHO Foundation.

It's not just bullshit, it's old bullshit.

Ahhh.... is THAT how they got you back.

I have this memory of you from your PAC EPF days (you joined in '78, right?), driving the sups crazy for references and trying to learn a whole subject out of dictionary definitions. Remember Patty (whatwasherlastname) the course supervisor? And the elderly woman Helen, the Wordclearer in her courseroom? And Don Clore's courseroom? Paige & Richard Kuhn? You may not have known all our staff at the PTO (Pac Training Org). Back then I was the wordclearer in Product 0 EPF room (Don's courseroom). The sups always thought you'd be too tough for me, the teen wog recruit, and I remember you sitting with Helen the W/Cer and studying or laughing about something or other. And I remember Don Clore running back & forth tearing his hair out looking for refs to give Patty for you. Every now and then you'd keep him after course time with questions, too. You were the most seriously dedicated EPFer I knew then. What fool would want to get rid of YOU?

Yah, you look the same. ;) But you were always a good guy. We liked you h heaps and thought you were sharp, if a bit overthorough at times. I can't imagine anyone wanting to route you out for any reason. Heck, somebody's recruit that couldn't get through the first page of Student Hat had a Stage IV needle phenomenon that never, ever broke or changed and looked it too. The robot! lol

Where were we? Oh yeh, Debbie...sure, just get rid of the SPs and everything will run perfectly, like it always did during those times we weren't there.

(Methinks I've had way too much caffeine in the last 48 hrs)


Silver Meritorious Patron
constant of 20 guests here.....wonder who they are...:whistling:
one is Marty,one is David,but 18 more....:naughty:
feel so sorry for you guys....and then you have to eat rise and beans....:faceslap:


Gold Meritorious Patron
People cut too much slack for Hubbard. He violated his own SP rules left right and center, and "case on post" is his most consistent violation. He wove his case right into the totalitarian rules that the followers of official Scientology are trapped executing on one another ruining and threateaning to ruin each other's lives, and NEVER are they allowed to question the wisdom or efficacy of his 'tech" or "policy."

Scientology is an ultra catch 22 totalitarianism making Hubbard the hero and all who fail at his system the villains. What better bad fiction story with a permanent bad ending for the followers!

Yup. Especially his case on the second dynamic - sex.
Religions/cults always seem to dictate to their followers what's right and what's wrong, including sexual aspects of their lives.
Hmm, wonder why.
I just saw a doc recently called "Dave wants to fly" and it is about the TM movement, and goes into how Maharishi preached abstinence, but was banging the cute young thangs hisself - I think it is a herd / Alpha Bull thing. They being so smitten with him, he would have an affair with one and when the infatuation wore off, he moved on to someone else. When the woman in the film asked Maharishi about what she should do if she got preggers, he said we'll get you married really quickly - meaning not to him....

There were many surprising parallels in the TM movement and Scientology - wasting people after bleeding them dry - one guy that gave 150 mil and is no longer involved, another who was the deer skin guy (dunno what it had to do with anything) and was sort of the Maharishi's gofer - when he blew through his $150 K, was no longer the deer skin guy... About how getting 10,000 meditators to bring about world peace (WTF? Was Dave meditating? 10 K solo auditors will save the planet?), the empty buildings in the Save the World Meditating center, on and on - you'd like the film. It is on direct TY right now. Possibly Net flix as well.


Auditor's Toad

Clear as Mud
Once again the Co$ goes after a person that doesn't agree with them. News? Hardly.

Debbie Cook is the latest in what seems like an endless list of good people the Co$ has decided to make an enemy.

Gee, Debbie was in the SO 29 years, Capt of Flag for 17 years - can you say dedicated ? Loyal ? Highly Productive ? Valuable ?

And all in a sudden turns out she is an SP? That makes sense to not even the village idiot !

Same story for David Mayo ? Yep.
Same story for Mitoff ?
Same story for Heber ?

Same story for countless others all the way back to John MacMaster.

How is it the people in scn can not see this repeated over and over and over as NOT the absolute proof positive the "tech" flat out does not work it would have caught each and every one of these people IF in fact they were evil. It didn't.

That only leaves the SP stuff as it is applied is purely political.

The beauty of that ? As I have said before, people are starting to lip service to " disconnection " by telling the MAA " I hereby disconnect from ( blank ) " and then calling ( blank ) and saying " Ignore the disconnect letter. You know I'd never disconnect from you ".

And all but the most dense have figured out to how to " think of something nice " and make the meter FN whenever they want an FN.

The house of cards the Co$ is built upon is coming down.


Ordinary Human
*Almost* all meter reads are unconsciously created as a show of compliance to gain approval from a perceived authority figure. Approval-seeking is a very basic human drive, which shows itself in infancy, before language. Babies learn very early how much their carers value a smile.

You want an F/N?

No problem.



Patron Meritorious
Once again the Co$ goes after a person that doesn't agree with them. News? Hardly.

Debbie Cook is the latest in what seems like an endless list of good people the Co$ has decided to make an enemy.

Gee, Debbie was in the SO 29 years, Capt of Flag for 17 years - can you say dedicated ? Loyal ? Highly Productive ? Valuable ?

And all in a sudden turns out she is an SP? That makes sense to not even the village idiot !

Same story for David Mayo ? Yep.
Same story for Mitoff ?
Same story for Heber ?

Same story for countless others all the way back to John MacMaster.

How is it the people in scn can not see this repeated over and over and over as NOT the absolute proof positive the "tech" flat out does not work it would have caught each and every one of these people IF in fact they were evil. It didn't.

That only leaves the SP stuff as it is applied is purely political.

The beauty of that ? As I have said before, people are starting to lip service to " disconnection " by telling the MAA " I hereby disconnect from ( blank ) " and then calling ( blank ) and saying " Ignore the disconnect letter. You know I'd never disconnect from you ".

And all but the most dense have figured out to how to " think of something nice " and make the meter FN whenever they want an FN.

The house of cards the Co$ is built upon is coming down.

You know I was just thinking of how many people who were aboard the good ship Hubbard who have either left or been declared and that it occured to me that those boats must been loaded with SP's! I mean Hubbards crew suppressives! And now all of those people who worked with Miscavige are finding their way out of the door.

Is it only suppressives that make it to the top in Scientology?


Gold Meritorious Patron
You know I was just thinking of how many people who were aboard the good ship Hubbard who have either left or been declared and that it occured to me that those boats must been loaded with SP's! I mean Hubbards crew suppressives! And now all of those people who worked with Miscavige are finding their way out of the door.

Is it only suppressives that make it to the top in Scientology?

Yes after an intensive investigation with thousands of man hours of research it has been determined that the scientology letters SP actually stand for SANE Person. Of course SPs can be tricked but eventually they wise up and move on with their lives.

Then of course there are the - for lack of a better term - NON SPs or N SANE Persons who deny all information that comes directly to them via there own eyes, ears, nose etc. and will only accept 100%, Grade A, HCO Certified Clamfo® fed to them by their local Ogre.

So yes Elron had many SPs around but not for long.


stubborn rebel sheep!
Since yesterday I was searching a quote of Karen about the money in a IAS bank account. I was pretty much certain she had mentionned 1,5 billion $ (debbie is talking about 1 billion$)

I would be curious to see the the figures are from wich time as there is half of a billion of difference. I wouldn't be surprise that the current figure would be more than this as some Idea Deal Org are sold

ref: http://www.forum.exscn.net/showthread.php?25271-David-Miscavige-s-abuses-and-violence&p=636911&viewfull=1#post636911

I am coming back with this issue as
Karen had posted an explantaion on Marty's blog about the differences on her figure VS Debbie's

Karen#1 | January 6, 2012 at 10:37 pm | Reply

... ''The IAS currently had 1.5 billion, Debbie Cook is 4 years behind in the $1 billion figure...''

ref: http://markrathbun.wordpress.com/2012/01/06/good-morning-america-meet-debbie-cook/#comment-174260


Gold Meritorious Patron
You know I was just thinking of how many people who were aboard the good ship Hubbard who have either left or been declared and that it occured to me that those boats must been loaded with SP's! I mean Hubbards crew suppressives! And now all of those people who worked with Miscavige are finding their way out of the door.

Is it only suppressives that make it to the top in Scientology?

Not to mention the entire staff of Old St. Hill declared SP!