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Is OZFOREX a Scientology shell company, has Scns working for it or is it just dodgy?


In response to an Internet ad boasting high exchange rates, last week I contacted OzForex for information, hoping to get a better exchange rate from AUD to USD than my bank was offering.

I filled out a questionnaire of sorts and was told I'd be contacted by one of their reps shortly. That's when things got weird.

OzForex is not a bank, so not subject to the same regulations as banks. It is a private company that somehow or other has managed to get authorization to transfer international sums of money on behalf of companies, individuals and other groups. I wanted to know more about them, how they go about this, why they can offer such amazing rates, how it is they can charge no fees (supposedly) and whether my money was safe with them.

Shortly after filling out the questionnaire, I was bombarded with high pressure emails. Everything had to be done NOW NOW NOW. It was only hours before I received a call from a woman with a California number, who told me she worked for the “Compliance Department” of OzForex.

She was mysterious about how OzForex goes about transferring money. She stealthily evaded my questions. She was obnoxiously arrogant and condescending and demanded I submit documents to them, stating it was required that I submit these documents and if I did not, I could be suspected of terrorist activity. She told me I must submit these and asked intimate questions about my work, my education and my time in the US. She seemed to know nothing at all about my 14 years in Australia yet stated to me in a hateful tone, “I know who you are.”

OzForex wasn't interested in Passport numbers or drivers license numbers, my Australian tax ID or any other vital information that is normally required by banks when one makes large international transfers, oh no. The documents demanded had to contain my CURRENT BANK BALANCES in order to “verify my identity.”

I told Miss Snide Condescending Nasty B from H that I hadn't even decided to use their service, so who was she to order me to submit anything?

More demanding emails. This place just stunk of Scientology tactics, tactics I don't see used outside of Scientology, except by Internet conartists from Africa or India. Hard sell. Veiled Threats. Demands as if I'd already agreed to anything with them. I halfheartedly submitted a couple of documents that didn't show my current balances, then hit a snag when there was an upload limit on their website and I was supposed to submit them another way. Ah, forget it. I went to bed.

Then a letter about how my documents weren't accepted and they didn't know who I was. But didn't Miss California with the veiled threats and demands just tell me in the most hateful way that she knew who I was? I figured she'd found my vids exposing Scn, what else could get that sort of response?

So I wrote back that I couldn't upload all of them and they'd just have to wait till next week, that they needn't worry about terrorism from me since my father was a WWII vet, my family had served in the US Armed Forces for three generations and I'd never been to the Middle East. I was busy.

Then the lovebombing started. Sweet letters. One was even signed “Kind regards” - an Australian salutation that is never used by bankers or accountants or anyone like that. Ick! How unprofessional can you get?

If that weren't enough, then I get a supposed “survey” on whether I was happy with their service?
And more promotional emails. SO so Scientology!

Oh, I answered their survey. I had plenty of helpful suggestions and a lot to say.

I did not receive any letter back, saying they were sorry I had a bad experience, oh no! Instead, they disconnected. Just like Scientologists would do,but not like any normal, self-respecting company with a customer service department. They had no customer service, just “compliance”(ETHICS).

All of this just smacked of Scientology. It was a very bad experience.

As a private company, this place is scarily unprofessional and enjoys intimidating individuals.

Now maybe it was just the woman in the Compliance Office who was the Scientologist, but she had far too much control for me to ever be comfortable with this company and I'd advise everyone to stay away. They operate just like every scamming Scientology organization or WISE Scientology company. Your monies are not insured. They are a private company and can close any time, or share or sell your information to other sources. The veiled threats and intimidation if I didn't supply my current bank balances was just a hair away from blackmail, except I hadn't done anything that could possibly make me a threat. Didn't matter. I was suspicious simply because I had lived in Australia as a permanent resident when I married an Australian. Oh bullshit. They just wanted my money and this was an excuse!

IMHO, you should not trust OzForex. Pay a little more for your money to be safe and stay away from this organization.
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Re: Is OZFOREX a Scientology shell company, has Scns working for it or is it just dod

Interesting article and details from OzForex published in "The Motley Fool":

in my opinion the real fly in the ointment is the long-term soundness of a business model that is reliant on conflicted commission structures for staff.
These kinds of commission structures on the provision of general advice may again be subject to regulatory reform in Australia.

A read through OzForex’s Financial Services Guide (FSG) will reveal disclosure of a flat 3% commission structure earned by some staff on the effective spread on a trade (the profit). Therefore the larger the profit, the larger the employee’s commission. It’s also disclosed that other commissions are also earned by employees on an (undisclosed) “sliding scale based on total monthly profit and fees with a two year trailing arrangement”.



Commissions? High pressure sales? Sounds like OzForex made the deadly mistake of taking on the Scn WISE business model and this has been its downfall ever since.


Re: Is OZFOREX a Scientology shell company, has Scns working for it or is it just dod

Just take care Sheila....and use a "brand name" reputable company /bank / financial outfit. Don't take any risks....

Dollar is up quite a bit....so you might not get as much in exchange rate as you had expected....but I can't imagine the difference is that much....

"Forex" is a term usually related to Currency Trading....Currency Futures...Currency speculation....and is dangerous stuff....

Very risky if you don't know what you are doing......

Any big regular bank should be able to exchange Australian currency for US Dollars.....with zero risk.....
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Re: Is OZFOREX a Scientology shell company, has Scns working for it or is it just dod

FOREX stands for foreign exchange. Traders usually use computer programs to watch the markets and also buy & sell for them. They treat currency like stocks. If you think about it though, currency doesn't build or supply a product like stocks do (ie: oil, silver, toothpaste, cars, corn, wheat). The currency is the product. It is like trading the same apples, oranges and pears back & forth, the value based on the whims of the buyers. There have been many instances of investors losing all their funds as the traders go broke or take the money and run. I have seen warnings for many of these places as they tend to not get proper certification and they base themselves in countries that have lax regulations.

Sounds to me as though these people were pushing hard to get you to invest, not just exchange currencies. The level of pressure they put on you reeks of their desperation. I wouldn't go near one of these places, ever, as I like to avoid extremely high risk. I'd rather pay a bit extra to ensure I don't get ripped off.

And yes, their tactics are similar to scientology. They get very few people into their clutches by telling the truth and giving people time to think and research, thus they spin stories and apply pressure, love bombing, and other typical cult-like behaviours.


Silver Meritorious Patron
Re: Is OZFOREX a Scientology shell company, has Scns working for it or is it just dod

the FOREX foreign exchange is unregulated in the US so unless you are a professional trader and know who the reputable companies are STAY OUT and just go to your bank.

I doubt these are Scientologists, there are many hard sell ass hole crooks in the world. Scientology doesn't have a monopoly on that commodity.


Re: Is OZFOREX a Scientology shell company, has Scns working for it or is it just dod

Most large international corporations are involved in Currency trading....

I recall one year back in the early 90's Caterpillar made more money in arbitraging than they did in manufacturing and selling earth moving equipment...

If Caterpillar sells a million dollars of equipment to someone in Ireland.....for delivery in 6 months....they need to go into the Futures currency markets and by (Pounds?) today......to secure their profit today....and not take the chance that the buyer's currency might drop in 6 months....

Or how ever the deal is structured....

Soros made his first big fortune betting against the Pound and on the German Mark...I believe....

And his second big fortune betting against the Indonesian currency........Many people went hungry there when their currency collapsed....


Re: Is OZFOREX a Scientology shell company, has Scns working for it or is it just dod

Thanks for all the information and good advice. Reading all this, in retrospect, it seems OzForex had different ideas about what they were going to do with my money than I did. I had no idea about these places. Apparently OzForex will soon be regulated in Australia.

So much to learn. So many traps around us. So many that use scamming cult-like techniques to steal your money and production.:omg:


Rabble Rouser
Re: Is OZFOREX a Scientology shell company, has Scns working for it or is it just dod

Anybody that wants to know your bank balances is up to no good - time to run quickly !


Declared SP
Re: Is OZFOREX a Scientology shell company, has Scns working for it or is it just dod

Scientology is a scam, therefore it should come as no surprise that other scams use similar, or even identical tactics as Scientology. I've been to two 'seminars', both of which were represented as job interviews. They were scams as well, and operated almost exactly the same as a Scientology IAS event. As much as he wishes he was, Hubbard isn't the only successful con artist in this world. Consider yourself lucky that you were careful enough not to lose your money to these people.


Re: Is OZFOREX a Scientology shell company, has Scns working for it or is it just dod

There was a very good book that was written about Bond Salesmen.....called "Rainmaker"....back in the late 80's.

These were salesmen that went through training I believe at Goldman Saks.....in NYC......and went out into America...to sell....a new type of Bond, at the time, called a Junk Bond.

Well....fortunes were made.....

But the book details the naivety of the buyers....and sellers....the out right lies and such.

That whole "era" led to the collapse of about 1/3 of all Savings and Loans in American.....

Michael Milken was a University Student.....that came up with the idea / concept....for "Junk Bonds" and launched a company to float them......

30 years later......Another type of Bond.....Bonds based upon home mortgages and sold all over the world......almost collapsed the entire world's economy. We are just now pulling out of that collapse....and other countries are still struggling with it.....

And I thought Bonds were a prudent, safe investment?

Got to watch out for those Salesmen.....and Saleswomen.....a very dangerous breed....!!


Gold Meritorious SP
Re: Is OZFOREX a Scientology shell company, has Scns working for it or is it just dod

In response to an Internet ad boasting high exchange rates, last week I contacted OzForex for information, hoping to get a better exchange rate from AUD to USD than my bank was offering.

OzForex is not a bank, so not subject to the same regulations as banks. It is a private company that somehow or other has managed to get authorization to transfer international sums of money on behalf of companies, individuals and other groups. I wanted to know more about them, how they go about this, why they can offer such amazing rates, how it is they can charge no fees (supposedly) and whether my money was safe with them.

All of this just smacked of Scientology. It was a very bad experience. As a private company, this place is scarily unprofessional and enjoys intimidating individuals.

In a free market economy, there are thousands of dodgy companies.. it doesn't mean they have any connection to Scientology. Don't be paranoid. Oaforex has very high ratings & is now traded on the Australian Securities Exchange. Consumers have had positive & negative experiences with the company, less about the structure of the company, but more to do with the types of people they hire as customer service reps.




Re: Is OZFOREX a Scientology shell company, has Scns working for it or is it just dod

In a free market economy, there are thousands of dodgy companies.. it doesn't mean they have any connection to Scientology. Don't be paranoid. Oaforex has very high ratings & is now traded on the Australian Securities Exchange. Consumers have had positive & negative experiences with the company, less about the structure of the company, but more to do with the types of people they hire as customer service reps.



I agree.

IMO, there was a confusion on "Exchanging" currency, and "Trading" currency.....

Dodgy words......but entirely different things....

One would have very aggressive sales people....and the other no sales people at all.....